I have an idea for a new mmorpg. It’s called World of Advertising and it lets people experience what it’s like to work in a modern agency. Players can choose from 7 different Character Classes:

There are also 3 different realms to choose from:
The Kingdom of Chicacago
Have fun!
What about the poor old media planner?!? Other than that I think its spot on!!
Really, the client should have some weaknesses. They have to shell out money on a regular basis, and on time, or they risk not getting what they want. And some people can say no to them.
Very nicely done.
Jane Sample and Girl Riot turned me on to this.
Nice work.
very nice, except where's the tech guy
It's true, the tech guy/developer gets no play in this advertising world. What about website builds and electronic mail sends.
I'm curious as to where the Graphic Designer is.
I guess I'll have to release an expansion pack next week.
I'm partially offended my people got left out...
Account Planner
* The Creative Brief
* Racks-up travel mileage for research
* Charismatic objectivity
* The Creative Brief
* Creative teams
* Jars of M&Ms
* The Creative Brief
* 9:00 am briefings
* The Consumer
adhack version 2.0 or whatever you will call it needed. Riot and I have to continue the battle.
GReat stuff. Needs maps of the nuttiest looking ad agencies in the world to play in. And of course, the gold Cannes expansion pack! Everyone gets those heavy lion-awards to defend themselves with.
Had to link this. :)
Brilliant post. Could be treatment for new high rated sitcom. But i agree with miconian--client should have some weakness. Creative envy? Wishing they didn't have to dress like a grown up?
I guess the land of Dallasia will be downloadable content.
It better cost less than some stupid horse armor.
And where's Freelancer? (Just Back from Vacation, Knows Everyone, Retro-Frame Bifocals, Always Working on Pitch) Lots of us won't be able to play without that.
LFM! 40 Main Raid on Target's Lair!
The account executive character makes me want to vomit, and then silt my wrists while in my power suit as I simultaneously sleep with the client who has bad morning breath. Due to this posting and subsequent self-realization of how uncool I am, I've started a support group- SOAES (save our account executive souls). Membership is free but initiation entails sleeping with a creative director. Send me your PO for consideration...
New Client Weaknesses:
*Envious of Agency-types
*Work dress code
*Media Shwag
Very funny!
I like this realm. In the real world there are only like 3 copywriters who are both black and female.
I'm neither black nor female, yet I do own a Dictionary of Death. Bow....
I miss the media planner as well, desmond. Especially being one ;)
I think that the most two important aspects of a MMO. It is the leveling system that you feel that you achieve something with each level or 5 leves. And the second that it has to be fun and It doesn't have to be repetitive.That way I like Viagra Online . Because it has those aspects.
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